Ms. 5G & The Respiratory machine
Premiere: April 25, 2020
An existential comedy, a Live Online Cinematic Performance
By and with Irina Lavrionvic and Asher Lev
Duration : 50 Minutes
Where: Via Zoom
A couple built a respiratory machine in their living room.
They are preparing to leave earth and go to paradise.
In March and April 2020, two artistic residencies in Belgium were cancelled. A decision was made to arrange for a home residency and so this performance was created during the first 5 weeks of Covid 19 quarantine in Brussels. The very first show was presented, independently, to a public on April 25, 2020.
The work is not a documentation or an adaptation of a piece that is actually intended for stage with a physically present audience. Ms. 5G & The Respiratory Machine emerged through and within this very special global and local context and is meant to be presented to you just like this, mediated through online technology.
Finally, most of the materials, costumes and furniture in this performance are recycled or upcycled. This includes the iPhone 5SE of which camera is used to stream the performance live.
Zoom operator and host: Edo Ceder
Music: Tom Waits and David Lynch
Text: Irina Lavrionvic and Asher Lev
We give thanks to Rasa Alksnyte, Simona Bieksaitė, Ruta Vitkauskaite, Alice Van Der Wielen, Benjamin Vandewalle, Kobi Lankry Helena Dietrich, Ady Elzam, Manou Koreman, Ruth Valensi, Thomas Proksch and Rocio Marano who gave priceless feedback from afar during the process of creation in quarantine.
Independently funded and produced by Asher and Irina
Review: https://e-tcetera.be/ms-5g-the-respiratory-machine-irina-lavrinovic-asher-lev/